
Our nervous systems are incredibly complex, powerful, and at times infuriating. Their #1 job is to keep us safe and sometimes they give us stuff we don’t always want.

But sometimes, no matter how many times we tell our nervous system and ourselves “I’m not there anymore, I’m safe now”, or “this isn’t dangerous, I’m ok”, we just cant seem to make the reality we know match the feelings we are given in it. If you have experienced trauma, or any of this sounds familiar, I would love to hear how I may be able to help.

My training and experiencing implementing EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) has allowed me to recognize, better understand, and effectively treat symptoms of trauma with clients.

When working through the EMDR 8 phase protocol we are able to address current frustrations, symptoms, and problems, bring awareness to somatic experiences and urges, while maintaining nervous system regulation, to reprocess memories and information so our nervous system no longer feels the need to bring it back up for us when we don’t want or need it.

I would love to hear more about what you are hoping to address and how we may be a great therapeutic fit.

Let’s move those memories and make what we know match what we feel.

Trauma can occur when we are experiencing an event and our nervous system takes us into a hyperarousal state (often referred to as fight or flight).

When we experience events while in this state, memories of the event are created stored differently. Memories may include stimuli, beliefs, sensory information, perception, etc. When grouped together and stored as trauma, our nervous system has the ability to sense and recognize aspects in our present environment resembling aspects of the memory, and automatically bring the memory, sensations, and beliefs back to our present moment for us.


Talk Therapy


Anxiety + OCD