Let’s curiously and compassionately explore those ways of existing, reacting, feeling, and living,
those ways of being that might have been helpful in the past, but are now getting in the way.
Let’s talk about how you’d rather experience your life, and ways to make that journey there. So that your most authentic embodied self can exist here and now.
Tell me now you want to live, and let’s take steps towards it.
Because the work we do in sessions is for your life outside of sessions.
Services offered
$75 - $200
Talk therapy - discussing, processing, reflecting, and exploratory in nature. Evidence based approaches and unstructured style allow open and free-flowing opportunities for insight, problem solving, coping skill building, and overall space to discuss and explore current and past experiences and concerns.
Talk Therapy
Trauma Therapy
$100 - $250
Trauma therapy - may include EMDR protocol for resourcing, skill building, somatic coping skillset, and somatic and attachment approaches to healing. Trauma and trauma related symptoms may be assessed and discussed with clients in preliminary sessions to collaborate on an approach that works to meet client goals in therapeutic way.
Anxiety & OCD
$100 - $250
Exposure and Response Prevention for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and anxiety related symptoms - exploring core fears, responses maintaining anxiety symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, urges, and behaviors. Anxiety, OCD, specific phobias, avoidance, and fear may be discussed and addressed through this framework / therapeutic modality.
What is Therapy Imbued?
Hi, I’m Kellie Grady, LPC, LCMHCA, NCC (and of course, human).
I created this practice because I believe we all deserve a space to process what’s happened in our lives, and begin to explore where we want our lives to go. Imbued by definition is to inspire or permeate something, with maybe a feeling or quality.
In my experience, many people reach out for therapy because there are certain qualities of their life missing or they aren’t feeling how they hope to feel. I intentionally chose an open ended name so that you can decide what you want your life and our sessions to be imbued with, because that’s something ultimately you determine. Even if we don’t know what that “feeling or quality” is quite yet, part of the process can sometimes be conversations imbued with curiosity to find it.
My goal when working with clients is to truly hear how I can best support them in their journey, meet them where they are at, use my education and therapeutic skillset to help you move towards your goals (and maybe add a few homework options between sessions along the way).
For more information about my education, experience, specializations and trainings, or Therapy Imbued, please be sure to check out the “About” section in the header.
Contact me
Interested in talking more?
Please complete the form and we will be sure to reach out soon. We look forward to hearing from you and talking more.